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Late Smt. Kailash Goyal

Late Smt. Kailash Goyal, a pillar of the Indian community in the DC metropolitan area, died suddenly on March 8th, 2009, at the age of 61. She was born on December 25, 1947, in Nabha, India. She understood the importance of family and traditions. She immigrated with her husband, Mr. Ved Raj Goyal, and her three children to the Northern Virginia and had been active members of the community since 1974. She was a women who put family first, raising her three children and support her husband. She maintained strong ties with her family in India, assisted a number of her relatives immigrated to the US, and upheld the growing network of Goyals and Bansals in the USA.

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J K Shanti Charitable Society

J K Shanti Charitable Society was formed by Bansal and Goyal family members along with close friends in India on April 2nd, 2009 and registered with the Registrar of Haryana Societies, Panchkula, Haryana under Registration No. 89 dated May 12, 2009. A sister concern under the name of "The Kailash Goyal Foundation" was established on June 11, 2009 in the United States.

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The Kailash Goyal Foundation(KGF)

The Kailash Goyal Foundation was formed on June 11, 2009 in the memory of The Late Mrs. Kailash Goyal by the Goyal and Bansal family along with many close friends.

The mission of the foundation is to support the core principles Late Mrs. Kailash Goyal held during her life. She was an active supporter of the underprivileged and believed in education for all. She also recognized the importance of access to healthcare. Her family and friends sought to continue her legacy through the formation of The Kailash Goyal Foundation.

Funds collected in US are transferred to J K Shanti Charitable Society to promote education and medical wellness. We conduct frequent site visits and assess the effect of our aid sent to India. We also keep records of all granted funds, corporate filings, financial statements and tax records.


The Kailash Goyal Foundation was granted tax-exempt status by the IRS under Section 501(c) (3) of the internal revenue code. All contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the code. J.K. Shanti Charitable Society has been granted tax exempt status under section 80G (5) (vi)/12A of the Income Tax Act-1961 by The Haryana Income Tax Department. All Donations made to the Society are Tax Deductible. Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi has granted permanent Registration No. 172350011 to receive foreign funds. These funds are being deposited in an account exclusively dedicated to foreign funds and intimation of income and expenses is given to the Ministry per applicable rules and regulations. "